"You have two options. You can either continue to wait, sir or I am hanging up on you. What would you like it to be?" That was the typical level of customer service that I received from UHAUL during what was suppose to be a ten-day rental. This ten day rental turned out to be a twelve-day rental thanks in large part to UHAUL's breakdown prone equipment and lackluster customer service.

After having the great misfortune of encountering similar levels of customer service throughout the rental period, I decided to file a complaint. After waiting what I would deem the standard two plus hours to get through to the appropriate party, I was in no mood to get any more aggravated over the whole situation. As such, I politely asked for the fax number to the department in order to send the appropriate documents for my complaint. The UHAUL representative stated, "That the fax number is for internal use only!"

The UHAULSUXS.COM Movement Was Born

Some individuals may want you to believe that this is someone's personal vendetta for a multitude of abnormal occurrences that unfortunately happened to the same individual. The truth of the matter is that this site's purpose is to not only make all UHAUL stakeholders aware of the need to correct various detrimental business practices. But ensure that UHAUL executives take the necessary actions to prevent this type of behavior from happening again through implementating new policies and procedures.

On behalf of the members of the UHAULSUXS.COM community we thank you for visting our site and we appreciate your support.