Factor All Cost - Many times people base their decision on the fact they can save "big" by doing it
themselves. But how much are you really saving? Have you taken into consideration the cost of gas, tolls, food &
lodging, and how much it will cost to have someone help you move on both ends. That stairwell at your new place may
not have seen as tight when you walked it, but did you consider having to move your couch up this tight stairwell?
Do Not Use UHAUL
Use a Professional Moving Company - This will save you many of the headaches that you will encounter
moving your belongings yourself. I realize there is time when it is not financially feasible to envoke this
option, therefore I have provided you will a list of tips for the do-it-yourself moves.
Prepare For The Unexpected - Make sure you have a cell phone with cigarette lighter adapter, calling card,
plenty of food (you'll appreciate that junkfood when stranded out in the middle of no man's land for hours), map,
petty cash, flashlight, and a host of other items that may seem insignificant at first glance.
Pad The Time Required For Your Move - Nothing is nicer than having ample time to get where you need to be.
It is much more enjoyable to be able to appreciate the scenary and the sites on your way to your destination than trying
to make up for lost time to meet a deadline.
Do Your Homework - Competition is fierce for do-it-yourself movers, use the internet and shop for the best
price/performance. Sure it is great to say you saved a few bucks over a comparable company, but are you confident that
you are receiving the most reliable solution for your particular needs?
Realize No Matter How Hard You Prepare, Your Bound To Forget Something - They say someone who commits a crime
leaves twenty clues and your lucky if you remember three of them. The same holds true for moving. No matter how hard you
try to prepare for your move, your bound to forget something. You have enough things to worry about that are associated
with the move so do not stress too hard over the minute details.